Double Birthday!

This is always a weird weekend in the Little Beast home: double birthday weekend! Lila’s birthday is on April 30 and Owen’s is today, May 2. So that means it is a lot of celebrating in a little bit of time.

Typically we try to spread out the days. Like, we don’t want to mush their birthdays together all too much because both dogs really deserve their own days. But this year was a little different. First, I had a track meet on Lila’s birthday. A huge bummer, but she did still get to celebrate without me.

C, my trusty spouse, gave Lila a nice meaty bone to chomp on, which also means she got some only dog time. The others aren’t out when we give such high-value treats, because that just seems like asking for trouble. So yeah, Lila got only dog time and a bone for her actual birthday.

The huge bummer on the 30th was that her custom birthday cake didn’t come in time! Which means she had to celebrate her 8th year of life WITHOUT cake. Complete torture, really.

Fast forward to today: Owen’s birthday! He turned 5! Obviously it’s a Monday, so the celebration couldn’t be too intense, which is good for Owen any way. He’s declining pretty rapidly, so it’s important that we keep things pretty chill for him.

We did make him wear a hat though! Which he was shockingly good about. And the birthday cakes finally came in! It was at the last minute (like…. at 7pm), but by golly they got here! And really…

Lila’s cake is perfectly Lila. Adorable and classic. It has cute little flowers on it and looks like it’s covered in chocolate frosting. 10/10 adorable.

Not to be out done, Owen’s cake was the best dog cake I have ever seen.

I mean really, let that picture speak for itself. It’s perfect. The exact cake Owen would pick out for himself. And oh baby did he love it! He devoured the entire thing.

So, while this birthday weekend wasn’t totally perfect, I think the dogs had a good time. Lila enjoyed being treated like a princess, and Owen got to eat a tennis ball cake. What more could a doggy ask for??

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