Diabetes Support Dog

For anyone who knows me in real life, this isn’t news. But if you only know me through the blog (which, if I’m being honest, is probably exactly zero people), I have diabetes. It’s new, and I hate it.

But, in the process of figuring out what’s actually wrong with me/why I actually have diabetes, I keep joking that I need a Diabetes Support Dog. Mind you, I do not need an actual service dog, or a Diabetes Alert Dog. I really don’t want to make light of service dogs here. They are necessary medical equipment that I do not have a need for. And that’s what I want a Diabetes Support Dog, a dog to commiserate with about my new limited diet.

So, out of our five dogs, who would be the best canine up for the challenge?

Lila could be fine, but wouldn’t like to go in to various bakeries and grocery stores. She’d get overwhelmed by the people as I lusted over the cases and cookies.

Hero would draw too much attention to us. People would fawn over him, not giving me any room to be sad about how I can no longer eat cones of ice cream.

Pilot, honestly, just doesn’t think the job is worthwhile. There aren’t any flying objects to chase and catch in supporting a poor poor diabetic soul.

Charlie would 100% love the job, honestly. He’d march around, eating cupcakes galore. He’d take it too far though, and just eat all of my food. “Get away. This is my food now, you diabetus haver you.”

Owen, though, would be perfect. He’d eat whatever I gave him, cuddle me no matter how upset I was, and not let anyone come near me when we are in public (ok, that has nothing to do with the diabetes. It’s just a hope for how I navigate the world).

He would be by my side to bring me fruit when my blood sugar is low, and he’d be overly interested in me pricking my finger every morning and night. He is, actually, very interested in blood as a concept.

So, if I really had to pick, I’d choose Owen as my Diabetes Support Dog.

1 thought on “Diabetes Support Dog

  1. Yay for Owen! He’s my favorite!


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