Have a Yummy Easter!

Last year we got this amazing picture of Charlie:

It instantly became a classic, highlighting the ridiculousness of those weird animal photo shoots we like to go to and the pure joy of a spaniel surrounded by jelly beans (something we didn’t know we needed in our lives). It also became our favorite Easter-time greeting: “Have a Yummy Easter.”

It conjures up a sort of call and response around our home around this time of year.

C, my trusty spouse, will shout out, “What kind of Easter should I have, Charlie?”

And I’ll respond, in my best Charlie impression, “A yummy one.”

This picture really has become the reason for the season.

It has also created this lore around Easter, making it my new favorite holiday to celebrate with the dogs!

So, in honor of this year’s Yummy Easter, we obviously ordered a cake and took our own set of Yummy photos. I really put a lot of effort into this tableau, so please enjoy:

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